Hosted Desktops for Financial Advisors

GoCloud hosted desktops help financial advisors make a wise investment in home working technology.

Hosted Desktops for Financial Advisors

We understand that financial consultants need to have their finger on the pulse of the latest industry developments and government guidelines. To achieve this, you require a fast, affordable and secure IT system that will never let you down.

By installing a GoCloud hosted desktop infrastructure, you’re equipping your business with a powerful tool for getting more done in the most efficient way possible.

How do hosted desktops work?

When you log into your personal hosted desktop, you’re presented with your familiar desktop experience.

All of your documents, folders, emails, software, databases and other files are exactly where they should be, yet instead of being stored on your hardware they’re hosted remotely in our world-class data centres.

Why are hosted desktops so beneficial?

Imagine having immediate and stress-free access to all of the information and data you could ever need, no matter where you are at the time.

If you’re visiting a client at their premises, you don’t have to worry about accidentally leaving essential documents and presentations at your office, as they’re accessible from any device that’s connected to the internet.

This means that even if your laptop runs out of juice or you leave your phone in your car, you simply load up your personal desktop on any of your client’s devices.

Another advantage is being able to work from home, abroad and whilst on the move as effectively as you do when you’re sat behind your desk.

All of this comes as standard, plus you’ll never have to put documents onto a USB stick ever again because your hosted desktop is stored in the cloud and available whenever you need it.

Robust security

Your financial consultancy comes with a lot of information and documentation, much of which is confidential. It’s imperative that this data is only accessible to you and any staff who have admin rights, which is where on-site servers and hardware become a significant risk.

All it takes is for your office equipment to be damaged through an accident, a software update to be missed, or malware and hackers to make their way into the system, and suddenly your entire reputation could be at stake.

GoCloud hosted desktops are designed with the latest security and backup features at their very core.

Every hosted desktop we provide comes with the following safeguards:

  • 256-bit encryption
  • Password protected desktops
  • Outstanding antivirus software
  • Two-factor authentication
  • ISO 27001 certification
  • GDPR compliance
  • An isolated Citrix/Windows environment that keeps all of your data on individual hardware

Even if there was an incident at your office such as a flood, fire or criminal damage, your hardware may be lost but your desktops and everything stored within them are unaffected.

Meanwhile, our experienced technicians constantly monitor our data centres to nip problems in the bud and keep unauthorised users and viruses locked out at all times.

Reduce your monthly costs

Hosted desktops use less electricity than traditional versions, especially if you currently have an on-site server that also requires maintenance, upgrades and repairs.

In addition, you have the option to replace your old hardware with thin clients, which are designed to access hosted desktops through the internet without wasting energy on background processes.

Put simply, hosted desktops are great for your bank account as well as the environment.

Impress your clients

With the ability to instantly access any information you need, maintain regular contact through video conferencing and project management software, keep every single file protected against threats and deliver your services quickly and efficiently, we guarantee that our hosted desktops with transform the way you do business.

See a hosted desktop in action

Book a demo with one of our cloud experts and see how easily you can move your IT to the cloud.

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What people say about GoCloud

"Using the GoCloud technology is just like sitting in the office anyway, so there's never any loss of work time."

rating stars
Shane Beardsley

"There were no upfront capital costs, we could save on energy bills, and we could pay for their service monthly."

rating stars
Wayne Barclay

"The service is incredibly reliable and since working with them we have had a smooth, fast and stable platform."

rating stars
Andrew Wallace

With GoCloud, financial advisors can...

Empower their team

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Provide the IT their team needs
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Support Bring-Your-Own-Device
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Enable home and remote working

Manage IT centrally

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Instantly upgrade your IT
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Control access to files and data
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Enjoy built-in security and backups

Save time & money

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No upfront fees
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Rapid 2-day setup
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Simple monthly payments

3 easy steps to move your IT to the cloud

Top questions about our hosted desktops

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