
How to Use Lunch Breaks to Boost Your Wellbeing

By making the most of your lunch break, you can replenish your energy levels for the second half of the day.

Working from home can sometimes take its toll, especially when you've got a particularly heavy workload or a to-do list that doesn't seem to shrink.

By making the most of your lunch break, you can enjoy a little time doing something you enjoy and also replenish your energy levels for the second half of the day.

Activate DND

First things first, we highly recommend turning off notifications when taking your lunch.

If you're lucky enough to be able to switch your phone on silent or put it in a drawer for a bit, go for it.

If you don't want to fully go off the grid even for an hour, at least set certain apps such as WhatsApp to Away or Do Not Disturb so that people know not to bother you.

Listen to a podcast or audiobook

Whether it's Stephen Fry reading Harry Potter or a self-improvement expert sharing inspiring messages, listening to an audiobook or podcast in the middle of the day can have a very calming effect.

Anything goes, so find something you like and make it your lunchtime treat (maybe try a humorous series, as they're great for lightening the mood after a stressful morning).

Go for a walk

Sometimes it's the really simple actions that make all the difference.

Going for a walk at lunchtime means that you'll get some exercise, soak up the natural light, inhale plenty of fresh air, stretch your legs, switch off from your tasks and experience a change of scenery.

Try taking different routes each day and make sure to look around, as you'll spot interesting places and details that you've never noticed before.

Do a puzzle

There really is nothing quite like a brainteaser to get the old grey matter working.

Doing a puzzle can result in a part of your brain that's been inactive all day to spark into life, which is both enjoyable and motivating for the afternoon ahead.

Whether it's a jigsaw, the crossword in the newspaper or a book of sudoku puzzles, they're great fun and you'll improve your problem-solving abilities in the process.

Play a board game

If there are other people in your house with you, this is your chance to spend some quality time together.

Rather than watching TV, we recommend a social activity such as a board game that can be played within an hour.

Good examples are Scrabble, Boggle, Guess Who, Jenga, Battleship... basically anything other than Monopoly!

Learn something new

If you love building up your knowledge, learning something new is an excellent way to spend your lunch hour.

Thanks to there being an app for everything, it's never been easier to pick up additional skills and develop your abilities.

Popular examples are language apps such as Duolingo, but you could learn anything you like, such as watching carpentry tutorials on YouTube or visiting websites that teach you how to knit. It's up to you what you learn, so make the most of your break and use it to grow as an individual.

Feed your plants

A bunch of flowers in a vase is a lovely way to brighten up your home office but a potted plant offers so much more.

Aside from oxygenating the air and having a calming effect, plants also help us to stay motivated.

In fact, many people say that checking their plants daily and watering when required gives them a small sense of accomplishment that sets them up for their next big task.

By taking a minute or two out of your lunch break to give your plants some TLC, you're looking after your own wellbeing in the process.

Maybe start off with succulents and cacti that don't require much watering before getting adventurous, plus nothing beats a vibrant terrarium on a home office desk.

Chat with a colleague

Many people don't truly get to know their co-workers, which can be a real shame.

Aside from creating stronger working relationships, having a chat with a colleague can also be a real eye-opener, as you're bound to have things in common.

It could be that you follow the same football team or share similar hobbies - have a natter and you may just make a new best friend.

Switch to hosted desktops

Hosted desktops from GoCloud help you to get more done, which makes it easier to genuinely enjoy and appreciate your lunch hour. To find out more, get in touch on 01482 751133 or email hello@gocloud.co.uk.

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Use lunch breaks to maximise your wellbeing
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